Monday, May 20, 2013

Awesome things you didn't know were invented in the Commonwealth of Virginia

After my last "Awesome things about the United States" post, Dave Ullman observed that more than half of my awesome things were food-related. In this post, only 30% of the awesome things are food-related, which is a testament to the many fabulous things about the Commonwealth of Virginia. That said, today I had a slice of peanut butter pie and it is what happiness tastes like. But, the top 10 things you didn't know were from Virginia are:

1. Camouflage clothing was invented at Virginia Tech (where I sit typing right now) by one James H. Crumley

2. Mountain Dew (hat tip: Tippens Kitchen - for the suggestion and also for being a marvelous Virginian!)

3. Macaroni and cheese. Seriously - by none other than Thomas Jefferson

4. Smithfield ham, sometimes called "Virginia ham" can only be produced in the town of Smithfield

5. In-vitro fertilization: Sentara Norfolk General Hospitala teaching institution of Eastern Virginia Medical School, was the site of the first successful human in-vitro fertilization

6. State government: the Virginia General Assembly is the oldest legislature in the Western Hemisphere

7. Sydney Ellen Wade: my all-time favourite rom-com character, Wade (Annette Bening) is a lobbyist and, eventually, girlfriend of widowed President Andrew Shepherd. Aaron Sorkin made her a very, very passionate advocate of her home Commonwealth

8. Amazing trip participant, passionate public servant and all-round awesome guy, Brian Chiglinsky 

9. Stellar trip co-leader, mini-van driver, son of Rocky Mount and alumnus of Randolph-Macon College, Dan Bowles

10. Exceptional trip co-leader, native of Louisa, UVA grad and wonderful human being, Hy Martin

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